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A Godly Life

¿Se Hablo Espanol? 

Childhood in Mexico 1928 - 1937

Scroll down for stories from Mexico

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When Pops was in his late 40s, he was asked what language he thought in when he was in a critical emergency. He pondered and then said: "Spanish."

> After a good rain, when the ground was still wet, Pops and his older brother Frank would go outside with a 22 rifle and shoot it as straight up as possible. Then they would listen quietly to hear the plink as it came back down. The goal was to get the bullet to land as close to them as possible. It is a wonder boys ever survive…  

> Unca Bunk and Essie being gone so much deeply affected Pops. When his boys were young, Pops would never tell them he was leaving. They would wake up, and he'd be gone. He just couldn't say goodbye…  

> Pops looked to Frank as his protector so much that even in their old age, Pops 91, and Frank 93, the two were sitting front row of Muzzy's Memorial when things suddenly became too much for Pops. Frank, in a move no one could see, quickly grabbed Pops' hand and squeezed. Pop instantly relaxed. That many years, and big brother was still protecting Pops. 

Clark Gable and his pals would come to the Ranch to hunt Doves. The boy's tutor was quite beautiful. So, Clark tried to sweep her off her feet, but she demurred. When Essie found that out, she told the tutor," are you crazy?! That's Clark Gable!" Essie was a bit salty.

In 1937 the Mexican Government repatriated all the land the foreigners owned. So the boys were off to the Bay Area.  

> The Mexico ranch was in Yaqui Indian territory. They would occasionally attack the Ranch House, riding in circles around the house until the cook left enough rice and beans on the porch.  


60 years later, a pastor and his wife from East LA, Richard and Rachel Mattas, came to Jackson for a time of rest and refreshing in the Lord. As Pops told Rachel about his time in Mexico, she said she is Yaqui! Then she and Pops had a good laugh about how her ancestors attacked his house. It was yet one more beautiful reconciliation.   

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Clark Gable
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